More butter and syrup, please. And keep ’em coming! Pancake lovers will want to hop over to IHOP for an unlimited stack of hot, fresh buttermilk pancakes. For a limited time, the restaurant’s popular all-you-can-eat pancakes are back on the menu at participating locations. Frugal diners can feast without breaking the bank.

Image: IHOP
FREE All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes
You can add all-you-can-eat pancakes for FREE to any of IHOP’s breakfast combos. (The offer is not valid with 55+, omelettes or Kids Menu items.)
The offer is valid per person, per order and includes buttermilk pancakes only.
$5 All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes
You can also enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes on its own for just $5 at participating locations — for dine-in only.
Start with a full stack of IHOP’s World-Famous Buttermilk Pancakes — top them off with butter and your favorite syrup flavor. Then, get endless stacks of two pancakes at a time until your pancake craving is satisfied.
The offer is valid per person, per order and includes buttermilk pancakes only.
For pancake lovers, the best part is that IHOP serves breakfast all day. Get your fluffy fill from morning to night.