Fires, tornadoes, flooding, winter storms. Do you have an emergency plan? Do you know what to do if disaster strikes and you have no phone, no power, and no emergency help? Are you and your family ready? Preparedness goes beyond fire alarms, smoke detectors, dead-bolt locks and extra food in the pantry. O.M.E.G.A., a Colorado based multi-disciplinary response team, wants to raise community awareness.
On Saturday, September 9, come to the National Preparedness Month Fair at the Community College of Aurora Lowry Campus and learn what it truly means to be ready. The FREE event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. features speakers, exhibits (yep — fire trucks) and demonstrations by vendors and emergency resource groups including the American Red Cross, Aurora and Denver Fire Departments, Aurora and Denver Offices of Emergency Management, Tri-County Health and more. 9235 E. 10th Dr., Denver.