Happy Birthday, Ronald! Can you imagine ordering a birthday cake alongside your Big Mac and fries? If you’ve been on TikTok lately, there’s a video highlighting what appears to be a “secret menu” item at McDonald’s — a full-size cake! A customer at the popular fast-food restaurant’s drive-thru orders a birthday cake. (Yes, a birthday cake!) She pulls up to the window, pays $11.99 and gets her cake.

Photo: McDonald’s
Of course, we wanted to know, “Can you get a birthday cake at McDonald’s in Denver?” We reached out to our local sources at McDonald’s and here’s what we uncovered:
Background on McDonald’s cakes:
“Restaurant Owner/Operators can order these cakes (vanilla or chocolate) directly from their local distribution center for special occasions, including employee or customer birthdays, graduation ceremonies or other celebrations.
Some locations may choose to make the cakes available for customers to purchase, but this is the exception — not the rule. The cakes are not on the official menu and not available at all locations.”
So what this means is that you might be able to find cakes for sale (price may vary) at a few select locations in Denver.
The next time you’re at a McDonald’s drive-thru add a cake to your order and see what happens.
If you find any participating locations in Denver, leave a comment below and share the news with other readers, including the address and what you paid.
If anything, McDonald’s offers an At-Home Birthday Party Pack (with virtual backgrounds, party hats and thank you cards) to help families celebrate “McBirthdays” at home.