Cottoncreek Manor is a residential home haunt that features a full graveyard scene in the front of the house and a 2,000 square foot walk through haunted house in the back yard, covered by a tent. This outdoor haunt is open every Friday & Saturday from October 13 to October 28, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. While this is a FREE attraction, donations are welcome and encouraged, with all proceeds going to nonprofit Spirit for the Seasons.

Image courtesy: Cottoncreek Manor
This year’s theme is Fear Factor. Imagine a place where your greatest fears become reality. Feel your way through absolute darkness, navigate through snakes and spiders, and don’t forget your childhood fears of clowns and dolls.
Watch your step around steep cliffs. You must push through – there is no turning back!
A “Littles-friendly” hour is from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. This is a time designated just for guests that want a walk-through of the haunt with no character involvement.
This is a free event, but the house requires admissions tickets. You can get free tickets here. Why? This allows them to manage crowds and traffic. They can do this when they know how many guests are coming.
Food and beverage may be available for purchase. All proceeds support the nonprofit and the 2023 partners, the RCHS Boys Volleyball team.
If you can’t make it for one of the tours, note that you can view the front yard decorations anytime.
Located in Highlands Ranch, Cottoncreek Manor is a real home that has created massive displays for Halloween and Christmas since 2013. Decor and haunts change each year.
Spirit for the Seasons works to inspire young minds and spark creativity through art and technology. Their goal is to integrate the community by providing volunteer activities for kids and teens to give back in conjunction with holiday events.
9971 Cottoncreek Dr, Highlands Ranch.