Starting in January 2023, Denver will begin to charge residents for trash collection service. Fees will be based on trash cart size. The smaller the trash cart, the lower the fee. To help minimize trash cart size, the city plans to add weekly (instead of every other week) recycling collection. Customers can set out their recycling cart every week on their regular trash collection day.

Source: City & County of Denver
The new charge is for customers (single family homes and apartments up to 7 units) who use Denver Solid Waste Management for trash pickup.
$9 per month for small trash cart + recycling + compost
$13 per month for medium trash cart + recycling + compost
$21 per month for large trash cart + recycling + compost
The trash cart fee will be billed quarterly. Rebate applications are available for eligible Denver residents who qualify for financial assistance. In some cases, the rebate will cover up to 100% of the new fee.
Email or call (720) 944-3350 for rebate applications.
Starting in the summer, the city will roll out weekly compost collection services to customers.
If you are filling up your current trash cart weekly, the city recommends waiting for your compost service to begin before you downsize your trash cart.
Current compost customers and small households that don’t currently use their full trash carts, are welcome to request a smaller size. Go here to find info on how to get a smaller cart.
In addition, Denver will continue its monthly large item pickup . You may also drop off extra recycling at the Cherry Creek Recycling Center.
With these changes we can reduce the amount of waste households send to the landfill by as much as 50%.
“Pay as you Throw” is inaccurate and misleading. Denver residents must Pay even if they never Throw any trash.
Also please note the actual prices are $9.95, $13.95 and $21.95 per month. That extra 95 cents every month adds up over time!