Call to Arms Brewing Company is the product of the blending of three friends and their backgrounds. With each founder hailing from a different state, they aim to use their shared love of brewing beer to combine the cultures of New York and Connecticut with that of Colorado.
Call to Arms does this through their love of local, traditional food and drink, as well as the creation of their brewery into a timeless and neighborhood-friendly hang out spot.
Call to Arms plays hosts to comedy nights, live music, and other events. Check their Facebook page and website for more information and a full line-up. 4526 Tennyson St., Denver, 720-328-8258.
Here are some of their upcoming free or cheap events:
Valentine’s Day Game Show
Friday, February 14
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
FREE (To Watch)
This show is free to be in the audience for, but will cost to participate in. Any couples who want to play the game will need to purchase a $25 ticket either online through the link above or in person at the brewery (each couple gets a pint each).