Apologies for our error: Admission to the walkway is NOT free, as previously reported. Governor Jared Polis and First Gentleman Marlon Reis are presenting The Wild Animal Sanctuary with what is discretely called “a very special check” from Colorado for All, the Polis inaugural Committee. The presentation on Tuesday, March 19 is FREE; no RSVP or ticket is required.
To be there for the presentation arrive between 4 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. It takes place rain, snow or shine (indoors in the Welcome Center in case of inclement weather). Entry to the Welcome Center and gift shop is FREE.
Guests may arrive early or stay after the presentation to visit the Sanctuary via its elevated walkway. Note: Admission to the walkway is $30 for adults, $15 for children 3 and older. The walkway is NOT free.
The Sanctuary will close at 7:10 p.m. that evening. Refreshments are provided for the event, and the Lion’s Den CafĂ© and a walkway snack bar are available for those wishing to eat a meal or enjoy a snack. 2999 County Rd. 53, Keenesburg, 303-536-0118.