Hundreds of minerals, rocks, fossils, books and maps and more are on sale Saturday & Sunday, April 28 & 29 at the the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum. The museum is home to one of the state’s two Goodwill moon rocks collected during the Apollo 17 mission and displays mineral, fossil, gemstone, meteorite and historic mining artifact exhibits on two floors.
Prices will be reduced throughout the sale. The sale is open to the public from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The Mines Geology Museum will be open throughout the sale.
Highlights include an introductory video about area geology and displays about critical materials and ultraviolet minerals. Apollo 15 and 17 moon rocks as well as the Miss Colorado Crown can also be viewed.
Murals originally exhibited at the Golden Gate International Exposition in 1939 by artist Irwin Hoffman depict the history of mining and can be seen in the main gallery. Rotating exhibits are also on display because they strive to change 20 percent of our displays annually.
An outdoor geologic trail features outcrops containing fossilized dinosaur tracks, logs and leaves.
Admission is always FREE, so take your time exploring the treasures, as well. 1310 Maple St., Golden.