Here’s another company hoping to make it just a wee bit easier for parents and caregivers by keeping kids occupied and engaged during their extended time at home. Play and entertainment company Hasbro, Inc. has launched Bring Home the Fun. You can explore the new website for family-focused resources, including tips for family playtime, activity challenges to keep kids occupied, ideas for using games and toys to stimulate kids’ brains, and suggestions on how to cope with increased emotional stress.
Featuring crafts using Play-Doh compounds, trick-shot challenges that get kids up and active with Nerf blasters, entertaining content including Transformers, Power Rangers, My Little Pony, and more, parents and caregivers will find inspiration to bring the power of play into their homes while keeping an emphasis on fun and creativity.
In addition to play-based tips and tools, will feature resources to help children and families cope with stress that might be heightened among kids at this time.
Featured content will include mindfulness videos, project and activity guides for parents and their children, and parenting articles for those looking to instill gratitude and purpose in their children.
Consumers are encouraged to join the conversation, connect with other families, and share their own tips for at-home activity using #BringHometheFun on social.
Families can also follow Hasbro on Twitter and Instagram for more play tips and inspiration, and fans can find their favorite games and Nerf blasters on Hasbro Pulse.