Every family knows that dining out can be quite expensive (and getting more expensive every year.) That’s why parents on a tight budget (and who isn’t?) are always on the lookout for ways to save on the final tab. One of the best ways to make dining out more palatable for families are the many kids-eat-FREE offers available around town.

Photo: Applebee’s
Our team is always searching for more deals to add to our round-up. However, our best experts and researchers are you, our loyal readers.
That’s why we’ve added a new way for readers (or restaurant managers/owners) to submit kids-eat-FREE offers for us to share with other MHOTC families looking to stretch their dining dollars.
The more information (details!) you can include the better. We’re all about the fine print, especially any limitations with regard to days, times, menu options, purchase requirements and, most importantly, the age restriction. In addition, how many kids can eat on the house per table?
Use this submission form to send us the details. If you prefer, you can always just send updates (or questions) to bryan@milehighonthecheap.com.
Thank you for your assistance. Our best tips come directly from readers!
Eat, drink milk and save money!
Certain Texas Roadhouse restaurants will offer free kids meal every monday or atleast 99 cents. The Parker location doesn’t do this anymore but other locations do. Golden corral i know also has a kids eat free time and day but i dont know the exact details