Hey, bargain bunnies! Spring is almost here. And Easter is on March 31, 2024. The Easter Bunny will be hopping around town to deliver treats and surprises to lots of “little bunnies and chicks.” However, even the big bunny needs to “count his eggs” and hunt for the best deal on Easter candy. This year, one of the better discounts can be found at King Soopers.

Image: King Soopers
From March 6 to 12, 2024, King Soopers is offering an additional 33% off all Easter candy — just about everything you’ll need to fill your baskets.
The additional savings applies to regular and sale items. It’s the latter that will add up to big savings because the bonus savings are on top of the already discounted sale price. With the bonus, you can save up to 50% (possibly more) on the regular price of many sweet treats.
Here’s an example of the savings:
Easter Candy — Regular Price $1.99
On Sale at 25% Off — Sale Price $1.49
Bonus Savings of 33% = Additional 49¢ off
Final Sale Price: $1 — A total savings of 50%
The sale requires this digital coupon, which must be downloaded to your shopper’s loyalty card.
You must buy all of the qualifying items you want in a single transaction. (The year, the coupon does not appear to be for “unlimited use”.)
The sale only applies to participating items. If you’re not sure about a particular item, just double-check the price at checkout. If the additional discount doesn’t apply, simply remove it from your order or clarify the price with a manager.
Hoppy Easter!
For more savings, review our Best Grocery Store Deals This Week in Denver.