From DreamWorks Animation comes a new adaptation of The Wild Robot. The epic adventure follows the journey of a robot—ROZZUM unit 7134, “Roz” for short — that is shipwrecked on an uninhabited island and must learn to adapt to the harsh surroundings, gradually building relationships with the animals on the island and becoming the adoptive parent of an orphaned gosling.
It’s a powerful story about the discovery of self, a thrilling examination of the bridge between technology and nature and a moving exploration of what it means to be alive and connected to all living things
The film stars Lupita Nyong’o as robot Roz, Pedro Pascal as fox Fink, Catherine O’Hara as opossum Pinktail, Bill Nighy as goose Longneck, Kit Connor as gosling Brightbill and Stephanie Hsu as Vontra, a robot that will intersect with Roz’s life on the island.
The film also features the voice talents of Mark Hamill and Ving Rhames.
MHOTC readers can attend a FREE sneak preview of the film on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 7 p.m. at UA Colorado Center Stadium 9.
Click here to download admit up-to-2 passes. You can print the passes or show them on your smartphone.
Availability is limited. Once our allotment has been reached, passes will no longer be available.
To ensure everyone has a fair chance at attending the preview, please only get passes if this movie interests you and you’re able to attend. Your cooperation is appreciated, especially by fellow MHOTC readers and movie lovers.