Denver-based Out&Back Outdoors is known for terrific deals on secondhand outdoor gear. Right now, the company is holding its Big Ass Gear Sale — think BIG gear such as bikes, paddle boards, kayaks, coolers, skis, snowboards, camping tents and more. Discounts are up to 60% off. But wait, there’s more! When customers purchase any of these items and choose pick-up from the warehouse located in RiNo, they will receive a FREE gift card up to $100 from Out&Back for a future purchase.

Photo: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Gift card amounts vary by item type, however it’s a pretty sweet deal if you are in the metro area. The gift card bonus promo ends May 13, 2024.
The company carries brands such as Black Diamond, Cannondale, Diamondback, Faction, Atomic, Black Crows, Burton, Lib Tech, Rossignol, Pelican, Yeti, MSR, Big Agnes, Nemo, Norrona, Kelty and Snow Peak.
We checked out the sale and found a Diamondback full suspension mountain bike for 61% off, a Liquid Force wakeboard for 61% off, an Alps Mountaineering tent for 50% off and tons of other great gear.
Because Out&Back is an online market, you can place your order 24/7. However, pick-up orders typically are available Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
After customers place a pick-up order, they will receive a notification telling them their order is ready for pick-up.
A gift card will be automatically applied to the cart for qualifying orders. Please note that the gift card cannot be exchanged for cash and will not be replaced if lost. Please note that only one gift card per customer is permitted, and all terms are subject to change.
Out&Back is located in the York Street Yards business community in RiNo. The address is 3869 Steele St., Unit 1163, Denver.