Concerts at the Cathedral Basilica has a rich and long history, dating to the early days of the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception with a weekly Sunday concert of sacred music. Next on the schedule is a FREE performance by the Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers on Sunday, March 8 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers
The Music Ministry of the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception seeks not only to fulfill the needs of the liturgical celebrations, but also to provide a venue for all people to gather, free of charge, and witness great music.
Director Ann Bunyan founded the Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers in Loveland in 1988, with the goal of bringing a cappella choral music to northern Colorado. The group enjoys performing a great variety of styles, from the Renaissance masters through folk songs from around the world, to modern doo-wop, jazz, barbershop and pop/rock.
The Chamber Singers revel in the breadth and variety of this literature, which requires an ear for many different styles and a dedication to precision and blend. A free-will offering is appreciated and shared with the artist and to defray expenses of the series. 1535 Logan St., Denver.