Lukas Paulson is a local filmmaker who has created a new animated series, Film Skool. The adult comedy follows the misadventures of Lucius Blot, a passionate but explosive (literally) student director, and his questionable crew, as they attempt to create a blockbuster with no budget. A FREE premiere of the pilot episode will be on Friday, July 12, 2024, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Community College of Aurora – Centertech campus.
Film Skool is a vibrant series that celebrates the incredible talent within Colorado’s art scene. The show even takes place in our city. It tells a story about the importance of collaboration.
It’s primarily for adult audiences due to crude humor (slapstick, language, and toilet humor).
The screening will include behind-the-scenes footage, as well. There will also be photo opportunities for guests to “meet” characters from the series, this alongside a Q&A session with crew.
The pilot was created by local artists from Aurora. Writers, artists and actors came together to create the show.
You can watch a trailer for the series here.
The series is still looking for co-production partners and a distributor. But in the meantime, you can be among the first to see it before it airs.
Admission is FREE. Everyone is welcome.
The Larry Carter Theater is in the Fine Arts Building, 16000 E. Centertech Pkwy., Aurora.