Usher in the joy of the holiday season at Stanley Marketplace, the urban food hall, marketplace and small-business collective on Small Business Saturday, November 30, 2024. The celebration is more than just shopping — it’s an experience, with a day full of festive events and activities at the historic former aviation factory.

Stanley Marketplace / From The Hip photo
Small Business Saturday at Stanley also includes events and experiences all day long, like live music and entertainment, festive interior and exterior light decorations, family-friendly silent disco, a Tour of Trees decorated and displayed indoors for the season by Stanley businesses, a Giving Tree benefiting the community and neighbors, the Letters to Santa Mailbox, and a locally-owned and operated Christmas Tree Farm.
Support and celebrate all the small, independent and family-owned at Stanley Marketplace, where you can find everything from fashion to toys to books, gear, services, all under one roof to check off your lists. Fun fact: Each of Stanley’s 55+ businesses is independently, locally-owned!
Live events:
- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Santa will be onsite
- 12 p.m.: Bflatirons Acapella group performs
- 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Family-Friendly Holiday Silent Disco
Throughout the day:
Annual Tour of Trees — trees decorated and displayed by Stanley Marketplace businesses.
Stanley Marketplace Giving Tree — sponsored by VisitAurora, benefiting DHA, Aurora Animal Shelter, AHA and The Center
Christmas Tree Farm at Stanley Marketplace (South Lot).
Letters to Santa mailbox (kids receive a postcard in return).
Specialty $1 Stanley Photo Booth strips in the photo booth.
Stanley Marketplace Small Business Saturday tote bags, with designs by a student from Charles Burrell Arts K-8 School when you shop small with Stanley retailers (while supplies last).
2501 Dallas St., Aurora.