If you’re like everyone else, you have a stack of books somewhere at home that have been sitting there for months or even years. Many books you’ve read and enjoyed, but also lots of books you had hoped to read. Many books are bought (or gifted) with good intentions, but just never quite make it to the “completed” pile.

Image: Tattered Cover
In any case, there’s more value in those books than just the information or adventures within their pages. You can sell them in the used (or previously owned!) books market.
And one of the best places in town to sell books is at the iconic Tattered Cover.
If you’re looking to update your home library, you can sell your used books to Tattered Cover for store credit. (Remember, it’s not for cash back — store credit only.)
Bring used books to any location and ask for a bookseller. For the specifics of how to drop of books at each location, click here.
All stores will only accept a maximum of 25 books per submission.
Larger quantities may be submitted by appointment only. Contact the used book buyer at used.books@tatteredcover.com for an appointment.
Here’s how it works:
Tattered Cover will e-mail you, once your books have been processed.
Receive store credit in the form of a digital voucher, if your books are accepted.
If you choose to have declined books returned to you, Tattered Cover will hold them for two (2) weeks after the processing date.
All books left at the bookstore after the two (2) week period will be donated or recycled.
Books that cannot be accepted include the following:
Cloth hardcovers without a dust jacket
Dated material, such as computer guides, travel guides, almanacs, etc.
Excessively worn condition (torn, dog eared, moldy, water damaged, yellowed, broken/warped spines, etc.)
Underlined, highlighted or personalized books
Advance Reader’s Copies (ARCs)
For more information about the program, click here.