Eat, drink and be merry! ‘Tis the season for holiday drinks. And one of the best spots in town to sip on a seasonal beverage is at Colorado’s very own Ziggi’s Coffee. The coffee shop’s popular Candy Cane Crunch and Egg Nog Latte are back on the menu, as well as two new additions this year — Sugar & Spice Energy Infusion and Frosted Gingerbread. The drinks make for the perfect holiday stop, when you just need a little break from the chaos of the season.

Image: Ziggi’s Coffee
Even better, you can enjoy one of the shop’s seasonal beverages (or the many others on their menu) at no cost — thanks to Ziggi’s Coffee gift card bonus.
From November 29 to December 2, 2024, Ziggi’s Coffee is gifting customers who purchase a $25 physical gift card a coupon for a FREE 16-oz. beverage on their next visit. The coupon expires December 31, 2024.
To qualify for the jolly offer, a single $25 gift card must be purchased — multiple gift cards equaling $25 are not eligible.
Receive one FREE Drink Coupon for every $25 physical gift card purchased in-shop only.
The offer is valid at any Ziggi’s Coffee location, while supplies last. Be sure to ask, if the coupon is still available before you purchase your gift card.