Community Cycles’ annual Kids Holiday Bike Giveaway (KHBG) has refurbished 400+ kids’ bikes for low-income families. Know that a bicycle can make a real difference in a child’s life, opening all sorts of doors for children who can use it for transportation, getting some exercise after school and it creating opportunities for shared activities with friends and family. Originally scheduled for December 15, it was canceled due to weather, so you didn’t miss it.
If this is your family’s circumstance or you know someone who can benefit, the date is today, Saturday, December 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location is 2750 Baseline Rd., Boulder. This area is a little confusing.
From Baseline, turn south onto 27th Way, then turn left/east onto Moorhead Ave., then left into the former Wendy’s parking lot between Grease Monkey and Boulder Liquor.